Remember - your Tournament is Valuable Content
We will get you ready to make more money in 2025
The title of the great CBC comedy TV show This Hour has 22 Minutes is a brilliant nod to the understanding between CONTENT and the ability to earn REVENUE from that content.
Inside a 30-minute time slot is the responsibility to provide 22 minutes of wonderful content - so that the other 8 minutes can be sold. It's a tale as old as time. If you provide 22 minutes of entertainment - then you can commoditize that other time surrounding it.
Your content is your golf tournament. You provide 18 holes of tournament golf, plus some other food & fun. That's your end of the deal. That is the Content you deliver for entertainment. That's your 22 Minutes! You need to understand and maximize exactly what your other 8 minutes are.
Now, the cost of production vs the revenue potential.
Those 22 minutes come at a cost. Content isn't cheap. You already know the costs of providing your golf tournament. Golf Course Shotgun Fees. Cart Fees. Food & Beverage pricing. Staffing. Gifting. Prizing. Signage. Activations.
Hold On!! (album scratch sound effect) Signage is not a cost of content creation. It's the requisite backbone of those 8 MINUTES of revenue.
You have a big Shotgun fee to pay for and buy all that expensive F&B as part of your tournament content costs. That tournament content does not require signage - much more importantly, your 8 MINUTES of revenue generation absolutely does.
Here at CGT Events, we are the experts on those 8 MINUTES and we will help you get the most out of them.
These are your "8 Minutes" to sell. You need to know what they are and how to package them up to maximize sponsorship sales.
2025 is the time for a review and audit of your sellable assets.
Click HERE for an important review of what the Golf Cart Fleet can do to deliver some powerful revenue toward your efforts.
Tim Green General Manager 416-300-2075