The first iteration of this number is a calendar version. 4/25. Or, April 25th which is a sweet spot date for us Northern Golfers. There's been lots of golf course openings on April 25th's over the years. A date that we think about often in January and February.
The 2nd is length in yards. 425 yards seems longer now than 20 years ago, but it's right in the wheelhouse for length of a par 4 you'll see often.

The 3rd is a dollar version of this number. $425 is comfort zone price for buying yourself that new Driver you want or that hyper-popular new Putter to hit the market each year.
I am most interested in 425 as a measurement in inches.
4.25" is the precise size of every golf cup in the world. Golf likes rules, and this size is an unquestioned rule. The hole is the destination/focus/fantasy/goal of every golfer on every golf hole they'll tee it up on.
CGT has it covered!! Well, not the hole itself - your access to use this mythical place for your sponsor revenue planning.

There's 2 things waiting for the golf ball in every golf hole. A cup at the bottom, and a pin flag flapping in the wind.
Our Pin Flag & Cup Insert product pairing is ready for you for 2025.
Every golfer is invested in the action around the hole on every green they play.
Own it!
Remember, we handle all the graphics and production and placement.
You sell it - and we do the rest.
Tim Green General Manager 416-300-2075